A creation of extra- Bruguera Martz-Schmidt, in particular for other large publishing house that hosted his work during the fifties of last century, Cliper Editions. The editorial offered three major journals of gender: The Coyote , dedicated to the character of the novels of J. Mallorquí and adventure in general Nicholas, humorous character García Lorente born on pages of the previous one, and backed here by some of the best comic writers of the moment, as Schmidt himself and Jorge Figueroa and Vázquez, among many others. And Florita, representing the female sector. Each of its kind, the magazine offered a very decent Cliper alternative to that of Bruguera (This is the time of the heyday of Tom Thumb and DDT), and in many cases, as here, or you could say that the authors most accomplished work to bruguerianos equivalents. This cute bold, that could pass for Famula niece of Dr. Poultice , benefits from an exquisite design in a sweet moment of its author.

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