person in charge of student safety?
allegedly exploited by the fuse I have still not confirmed or leads and the school evacuated Marcos Zaragoza.
No fuses or without leads could not sound the evacuation alarm, no fire, no nothing. That action has an institute at these events?
know a student from the same institute that was in the prefabricated 1 performing tasks alone and no one to come for her to come to see that the alarm did not play high school and was now empty and 95% of the people of the Calsita football field and fire by the institute. Who cares
in these cases to ensure that the institute is completely empty? as reported to the danger the students are running at the time?
Firefighters have come on foot, without warning, without anything, is that after evacuation at 20 minutes were able to come to class for the backpacks and many have gone and others have been but one of the physics teachers or chemical to them said that's not good to inhale the smoke that was releasing the fuse box and it was toxic. Who then monitors the safety of our children and students in the institute Marcos Zaragoza? Melero is too busy in its task of renegade Councilman and has no relevant maintenance records and correct state of your facility? they have evacuation plans in case of danger if there is an alarm? All these questions can not find an answer to see if the student who was alone in the school with the fire and if it is drowning? or if you get to burn? poison?
Click on the link to see the damage of toxic smoke from burning plastic is now could be created at the institute Marcos Zaragoza
From this news we were able to contact parents of students and have not been informed of the incident. We able to confirm that over 60% of students have left the institute at 10 am, some have gone home and others have done? and if during school hours and because of school without inf0rmar guardians of students of what happened goes something a student? who will be responsible for the tragedy? who are the culprits? that this happens in the XXI century? where there are servers to send a text message to mobile phones of all parents of students to report with a single click? is that these servers are only used for voting in the council in elections or political parties send messages to their members? we can not apply this to the safety of our children?
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