PSOE, II, IU, and Memo Villajoyosa officially reported misuse of public offices by a member of the PP: the French citizen Jacques Strozinsky
A local board member of the PP has a whim of the Beaches former offices in the Carrer de la Mar.
Councillors of the opposition in the City of Villajoyosa have signed a letter of protest submitted by Check In, number 2011003947, dated 14.03.2011, addressed to the Mayor, which highlight certain illegal and undemocratic practices, observed over the past months and agreed to by the local government defector, for the benefit of a local board member of the PP and, apparently, applicant to be a candidate for this party in the upcoming municipal elections.
These councilors publicly denounce the French citizen Strozinsky Jacques, who has been part of an electoral list of the PP and currently a member of its executive, administrative functions exercised improper, to have his permanent disposal Beach's old office, where he work on "conseguidor" to certain groups of European Union residents. This man, ex-cop French, holds the keys of that office which manages to complete whim, "Come to my office tomorrow and I'll fix it," said residents in need of some action, using the facilities referred to, as well as cell fixed, mobile and computer.
Also, with the approval of some leaders of the PP, the former police to organize cultural tours in behalf of the City, taking tourists on a tour of the old town, when the City Council and has its own services and guides. And with the backing of the mayor's own presence, Jaime Lloret, organized a so-called "talks of good advice about joining the electoral roll "in the Pensioner Llar, creating a parallel City, itself the most harmful and undemocratic practices that are known, while offering an image of contempt for the institution and municipal its officials, who are responsible for these tasks.
Councillors subscribing to this complaint, they know who are left "advised" by these practices, which is causing them serious harm to our young democracy, which the city of Vila is so diverse and rich representation democratic politics than any existing ideology is reflected in the corporation. Also, and this is of paramount importance, the councilors to sign the protest want to stress that it is solely to officials of Local Government to attend, process and solve the problems of community residents, as they do for all citizens, without intermediaries phishers "conseguidores" or "pseudogestores."
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