I'm just going to give 1% of reasons why the PP should not govern in La Vila, between now and May 22'll give many more
The PP started to sink four years ago to Jose Miguel Llorca Senabre , the scandals have not stopped to happen and ruin in which we let be the tomb of the worst mayor in the history of Villajoyosa Jaime Lloret Dutch as is well known and defector.
La Vila is dirty, unemployed, worn, old and with a poor image compared to other national towns and cities.
We are in the tail region of the province and the rest of Spain, all this has been achieved after 12 years of urban interests where a few have become rich and have not invested in the city and its development We ruled interested people and no love for this our city, fortunately a change with new ideas and illusions is looming on the horizon, now need to make this possible between all interested people to change people well and with love for Villajoyosa.
is in your hands you to help and do them your granite to try to improve the city and the lives of all Viler. Where
has been to give the work to firms in other locations, communities and provinces? here in Villajoyosa, why? that had money on the cake, all employees of other nationalities and other places of English origin where they have taken all the money they were paid monthly and no one has a hard to invest in the vila, have taken their salaries to increase wealth other cities while here we have abandoned to our fate.
Thank God there are people willing to work, like taking it, to lift the city, create jobs, train mostly uninformed and informed with the truth to all citizens, transparency, honesty and loyalty, no that the PP has had in 12 years. We're going to promise now?
Common sense that we have plenty to Viler to know that on May 22 NOT to vote for the PP. PP
VILA STREET NOT MORE! GET AMONGST THE COMPLETE NO SINK PP VILLAJOYOSA if you still can save .... and you do not know on Thursday rejected a 17 on PP agricultural investment of 18,000,000 euros the Ministry of Agriculture, now that money will go to another city, and jobs that creates all that money too few jobs could have created with € 18,000,000?? as sufficient to reduce unemployment Villajoyosa and a high% Viler know the exact figure but I'm sure many, many jobs.
The PP as always looking for your wallet and your interest is never in the city of La Vila, a move fully electioneering, not want the PSOE Zapatero who blame the crisis in the municipality invest money that it will do even more damage in the next election, but here are to inform each and every one of the Viler, this is the last shovel of sand that fills the end his political grave.
Do not forget Viler / ace, PP 18.000.0000 REJECTS THE INVESTMENT OF € for Villajoyosa, want to lead us to sink a party that seeks Villajoyosa and enrich only a few? or we want a government that cares about each and every one of the families La Vila, councilors at street level where you can chat with them and expose your questions and feel important to Villajoyosa? REMEMBER TO VOTE NO PP IN THE NEXT ELECTIONS TO VOTE TO PP means more unemployment, more crises, hunger, problems and a poor state of VILLAJOYOSA.
Who is to blame for the crisis in LA VILA? PP THE LOCAL, PROVINCIAL AND REGIONAL CAMPS WITH THE HEAD INVEST ANY MONEY IN VILLAJOYOSA ONLY THE PSOE Zapatero, all works SHOE PLAN AND ARE , but as it works to give companies and employees in other cities ... money turn out the VILA. VILA CRISIS IS GUILTY OF PP! Agustín López
Mayor for a better future WITHOUT PPLAVILA at City Hall. REMEMBER TO VOTE NO PP if you have a job and money.

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